Strawberry English Medium School

Secretary's Message

Mr. Arvind Vaidya, Secretary, Our Source Of Inspiration

Architecture and infrastructure is my world of profession are jointly thought of co-ordinating the same with the culture of education with humble ambition to create venture of education with C.B.S.E. pattern which is based on stress-free, joyful, activity oriented and child-centered learning approach. 

We are committed to quality education, confluence of cultures from East and West, holistic development of students with democratic spirit for global understanding and universal brotherhood for the welfare of mankind.
We would like to create a school where character building,value-nurturing and total personality development will occur in a healthy scientific and spiritually inspired environment which is being cultivated consciously and conscientiously since the inception of the school for the good cause of education where beauty, neutrality and aloofness of LOTUS (Arvinda) and brilliance of holy FLAME (Jyot) of knowledge prevails.